Friday, July 1, 2011

Vim file type detection: only R for .r and .R

copied from

Filetype detection

Vim includes syntax highlighting for two other languages that use the .r and .R file extensions. Vim searches up to the first 50 lines of a file and checks the comment syntax to determine whether it is R or Rexx. If no comments are found, it defaults to Rexx. This can be annoying for starting a new script. If you want .r and .R to ALWAYS be associated with R syntax, put au BufNewFile,BufRead .r,.R  setf r in your ~/.vim/filetype.vim (alternatively, you can use the same line in~/.vim/ftdetect/r.vim).


Under ubuntu maverick, I would just change file /usr/share/vim/vim72/filetype.vim 

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