Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Workaround for adjusing brightness in Ubuntu on my Dell
Disable beeps in Ubuntu
1. remove the drivers
#modprobe -r pcspkr
2. Blacklist the module in '/etc/modprobe.d/backlist' by appending above line
blacklist pcspkr
wicd - wireless mgt for linux
It is hard to make the wireless work under ubuntu/xubuntu, at least to me.
But wicd is a tool worthing try.
Friday, October 3, 2008
create a bootable usb disk
1) Run diskpart from command prompt running as administrator (right click the command prompt icon and choose "Run As Administrator")
2) Type the command: list disk to see the available disks and note the one that represents your USB thumb drive
3) Select the disk: select disk # where # is the disk you determined in the above step
4) Now that the proper disk is selected, prepare it with the clean command by typing clean
5) Now create a partition on the clean drive by typing: create partition primary
6) Select the new partition by typing: select partition 1
7) Set the partition as active by typing: active
8) Format the partition as FAT32 by typing: format fs=fat32
9) Assign the new partition by typing: assign
10) Type exit to quit diskpart
And some files which are needed for boot the computer can be copied to the disk.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tools to be considered
2. WinGrep
6. Firebug
Essential FireFox add-on for debugging JavaScript, and more. The ultimate developer toolbar!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
handy tools and websites
2. Another pdf reader
Sumatrapdf reader.
3. HTML tidy
To make html file tidy, just what the name imply.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
LaTeX -- pdfcrop
1. Using pdfcrop to crop pdf so that some figures of pdf format can be
included with appropriate margins
pdfcrop --margins 10 input.pdf output.pdf
pdfcrop --margins '5 10 5 20' --clip input.pdf output.pd
--TeX file--
Some vim tips
map <F9> :w <ENTER> :!latex % <ENTER>
2. ^ and $
^ the beginning of line
for example:
replace the begin of line to something: % s/./something/
or % s/^/something/
$ the end of line
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Rread a file in SAS and write it to another file
file texfile mod;
infile 'tmp.tex';
input a;
put _INFILE_;
Monday, July 7, 2008
Fwd: another vi tips
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Use SAS ods data set output
ods trace on;
ods output summary=summary;
proc means data=hpd print N mean std min max median range sum;
ods trace off;
ods output close;
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Delete external file
data _NULL_;
fname = "tobedel";
rc = filename(fname, "&filename");
if (rc eq 0) and (fexist(fname)) then rc=fdelete(fname);
rc = filename(fname, '');
Monday, June 2, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Using SAS Statements to Change the Current Folder
[Copied from SAS document]
Using SAS Statements to Change the Current Folder
You can change the current drive and folder by submitting the change directory (CD or CHDIR) command with the X statement in SAS. SAS intercepts the change directory command and then changes drive commands and changes its current folder.
For example, the following statements change the current folder for your SAS session to the MYDATA folder and G:\SALES\JUNE folder, respectively:
x 'cd \mydata';
x 'cd g:\sales\june';
To change the current drive, you can submit a change drive command (the drive letter followed by a colon) such as the following:
x 'a:';
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
SAS dataset options
data a (keep=b); a=4; b=3; run;
Saturday, April 12, 2008
SAS Jackknife and bootstrap